Spotlight on Nicole Neves

Meet Nicole Neves, #GirlBoss founder of Sequin Productions and mama to two adorable boys, Nixon and Colson. We are thrilled to share our conversation with Nicole, a passionate and creative mama who continually inspires us with her ability to find the elusive balance between motherhood and entrepreneurship!
Nicole, congratulations on the success of Sequin Productions! As a business-owner and parent, you’re an inspiration for our community. Tell us more about the creation of your company.
I was the PR & Events Director for GUESS clothing for over 11 years. Unfortunately balancing it all was harder than I thought after my second child so I made the tough decision to leave the stability of corporate life and start my own PR/Events consulting firm, Sequin Productions. Sequin Productions is a full service boutique agency specializing in events, media relations, influencer relations, creative content strategy, VIP programs and strategic partnerships.
What advice do you have for women who are starting the journey of creating their own business?
Take time to develop the purpose of your company within a business plan. Then contact past colleagues, vendors and friends to let them know about your new business. I posted on all my social media platforms about my new career move, which really gave me a lot of leads for current clients. Also join entrepreneurial / business groups like Heymama and Fashion Mamas to connect with other like-minded women to grow your business.
All parents know how challenging it is to achieve a work-life balance. What tips would you share with parents trying to balance it all?
I think the work-life balance can exist, but it’s hard to find that balance since we are always connected to our phones and other devices, whether for work or social updates.
For me, it’s about embracing each moment that I’m in. It's about being present when I’m in work mode and being equally present when I’m with my family.
Other things that help me stay balanced are schedules, date nights with my husband and learning to say no, whether it’s professionally or personally.
Describe what you were like as a kid! Which qualities have changed or remained the same?
I was a very social and focused kid and I definitely still have those qualities today!
Let’s talk about raising your amazing boys. What have been the surprises—both terrific and trying—about parenting?
Raising boys is exhausting. Their energy is constant, like energizer bunnies. I adore my boys, but the hardest part about being a mom is finding the right balance of discipline.
Some days I feel like a broken record saying, “no, no, no.” But nothing can compare to their big hugs and kisses and when they tell me that I’m their best friend….my heart melts.
What are your favorite Rose & Rex toys?
Definitely the Tegu Magnetic Wooden Blocks, my boys can play with them forever!
If you had an additional day between Saturday and Sunday, how would you spend it?
I would love to have a me day...LOL! Get my nails and hair done...maybe a massage. All that stuff you take for granted before kids!
Okay, lightening-speed round! Ready, set go:
- Chocolate or vanilla ice cream? Chocolate
- Early bird or night owl? Night owl, it’s 2am right now!
- Heels or sneakers? Sneakers
- Books or movies? Neither...I have two toddlers.
- Favorite color? Black
- Plate of French fries or slice of cake? Cake
- The super power you would want to have is? Freeze time so I can have a few more hours in a day!
- You have an open plane ticket—where will you go? Greece with my husband. We went there ten years ago for our honeymoon and I’m dying to go back.
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